Her Cherry Tomatoes
By: Michael Foster

Her cherry tomatoes were as large as tomato tomatoes
I noticed as she rose to greet me
And now I know what a weed knows

They were firm and round, as the vegetable goes
And definitely ripe, as any boy could see
Her cherry tomatoes we as large as tomato tomatoes

Her garden was lush, laid out in pretty rows
She took my hand and gave me seed
And now I know what a weed knows

Together we walked, and talked, and sowed
I never knew how great gardening could be
Her cherry tomatoes were as large as tomato tomatoes

I became hungry and reached for her tomatoes below
But she slapped my face and I began to flee
And now I know what a weed knows

I ran for my life as she swung with her hoe
I have since learned to let the cherry tomatoes be
Her cherry tomatoes were as large as tomato tomatoes
And now I know what a weed knows

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